Welcome to the website for Mr. Music's World History class
Use the sidebar to the right to go to the page you need
Site updated: 01/26/2025
-Class agenda (lesson plans) for Fall 2017/Spring 2018
- Not taught 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, Fall 2016, 2017-2024
Click here to go to the class readings page.
No Announcements 1/25/2025
No Announcements 5/09/2024
No Announcements 5/30/2022
No Announcements 8/23/2021
No Announcements 6/22/2020
General Announcements
Spring 2018
05/31/2018: The last day late work will be accepted is Wednesday June 6th.
05/31/2018: Class progress reports distributed - No signature required
05/21/2018: ATTENTION: Final Semester Exam = Thursday June 7th
05/17/2018: Class progress reports distributed - Signature required
05/08/2018: School-wide progress reports distributed - No signature required
03/30/2018: School-wide progress reports distributed - No signature required
03/06/2018: Class progress reports distributed - Signature required
02/15/2018: School-wide progress reports distributed - No signature required
01/30/2018: Class progress reports distributed - Signature required
01/26/2018: Class progress reports distributed - no signature required
Fall 2017
11/30/17: Class progress reports distributed - Signature required.
11/15/2017: School-wide progress reports distributed - no signature required
11/02/17: Progress report distributed - signature required.
10/25/2017: First 9-weeks' reports distributed - no signature required
10/11/2017: Class progress reports distributed - signature required
09/13/2017: Class progress reports distributed - signature required
08/24/2017: Progress reports distributed - no signature required
08/20/2017: Make sure you have a composition book for your journals by the end of the week
Summer 2017
07/26/2017: The school year is approaching fast. Below is a list of supplies you will need for this coming school year. The list applies to all the AP classes I teach.
Materials required/needed for class:
- 3-ring binder
- Two composition notebooks (NOT spiral)
- Pens and paper (loose-leaf: I will not accept assignments torn out of a spiral notebook)
- most assignments will be completed in pen. It is a requirement on the national test(s).
- 3X5 index cards
- Post-its, color pencils (16 colors should be fine), pocket dictionary, highlighters, pens, and pencil
- ***** A planner/calendar!!!!!!!!! *******
Spring 2017
05/17/2017: All Classes - All semester finals are two-day finals. The scheduled day is the SECOND day of the final.
05/10/2017: Progress reports distributed - signature required
04/26/2017: School-wide progress reports distributed - no signature required.
03/23/2017: School-wide 3rd 9-week's grade reports distributed - no signature required.
03/01/2017: Class progress reports distributed - signature required
02/08/2017: School-wide progress reports distributed - no signature required
02/04/2017: Make use you bring your Chromebooks (charged and ready to use) on Monday 2/6/17
01/26/2017: Click on the link below for Guns, Germs, & Steel Episode 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsKBFXe7biQ
01/16/2017: Notes - Test for Chapter 1 will be on Friday 01/20/17
01/02/2017: Welcome Honors World History students
Spring Semester 2013
04/29/13: Class progress reports were distributed - Signature required
04/11/13: Class progress reports were distributed - Signature required
03/20/13: School-wide progress reports distributed - No signature required
03/08/13: Students received a progress report (no signature required) and copies of all missing work. Late/missing work is due by Monday March 18th.
03/01/13:Class progress reports were distributed - Signature required
02/18/13: Class progress reports were distributed - Signature required
02/08/13: Class progress reports were distributed - No signature required
02/04/13: All Classes - I hope to see all students and parents at the open house on Thursday February 07. It will last from 5:30 to 7:30.
01/25/13: Progress Reports Distributed - Signature Required
Fall Semester 2012
01/11/13: School-wide progress reports distributed - No signature required
12/12/12: Progress reports distributed - Signature required
11/29/12: Progress reports distributed - Signature required
11/30/12: Be sure to bring your research materials to class on Monday 12/3
11/13/12: Progress reports distributed - Signature required
11/01/12: Progress reports distributed - no signature required
10/23/12: School-wide reports cards distributed - no signature required
10/05/12: Progress Reports Distributed - Signature required
09/12/12: School-wide Progress Reports Distributed - no signature required
09/07/12: Progress Reports Distributed - Signature Required
Welcome Back!!
General Announcements: 2011-2012
05/10/12: Progress reports distributed - Signature Required
05/07/12: Final for this class is on May 16, 2012
05/01/12: Progress reports distributed - No signature required
04/19/12: School-wide progress reports were distributed: No signature required
04/02/12: Research papers are due on 04/16/12
03/30/12: Progress reports distributed - No signature required
03/16/12: School-wide progress reports distributed
03/16/12: Research paper assignment - Due April 16, 2012
03/07/12: Research paper assignment announced - see the long-term assignment page (link to the right)
03/01/12: Progress report distributed - Signature required
02/22/12: Progress reports distributed - No signature required
02/10/12: Progress reports distributed - No signature required
02/03/12: School-wide progress reports distributed
01/25/12: Progress reports distributed - Signature required
01/18/12: Progress reports distributed - No signature required
1st semester:
12/07/11: Progress reports distributed - No signature required
11/29/11: Progress reports distributed - no signature required
11/18/11: School-wide progress reports distributed
10/31/11: Test on Chapter 5 will be Thursday 11/03/11
10/19/11: School-wide grade reports distributed - no signature required
10/13/11: Class progress reports distributed - no signature required
10/05/11: Class progress reports distributed - no signature required
09/28/11: Class progress reports distributed - signature required (due 9/29/11)
09/19/11: School-wide progress reports will be distributed - no signature required
09/06/11: Progress Reports will be distributed at Open House. If they are not picked up, then they will be passed out to students on Wednesday 09/07/11 - Signature Required
08/31/11: Progress reports distributed - no signature required
08/12/11: Signed syllabi are due by Tuesday August 16th
Click here if you are in Advanced Placement World or European History.
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